EXPIRED — FileMaker Software Allowance for SJSU Students

The FileMaker Software Allowance for SJSU Students is a free software offer in which SJSU student may voluntarily participate. To 100 enrolled participants (first-come-first-serve), the following will be available for student academic use for at least the current 2019-2020 academic year (and possibly beyond this pilot year):

  1. The developer, user, and server platform: installations of FileMaker Pro Advanced for Windows and Mac, access to a campus FileMaker Server with WebDirect, and FileMaker Go for iPad and iPhone.

  2. Learning and mentorship opportunities from online resources and developers on-campus, in the Bay Area, and worldwide.

  3. Potential internships and entry-level job opportunities on-campus, locally, and beyond.

Note, without registering for the FileMaker Software Allowance, a Free 45-day trial of FileMaker Pro Advanced and FileMaker Server is available to anyone:

Before receiving the FileMaker Software Allowance for SJSU students, please complete the following:

First, register at the FileMaker Community as an SJSU student.


To attract extra help from the worldwide FileMaker Community while you're learning and to potentially make contacts for off-campus internships or entry-level jobs, accurately complete your FileMaker Community profile as follows, so we can identify and introduce you as a San José State University student:

  1. For Email use your campus @SJSU.EDU address.

  2. Edit "My Profile" so Title shows as "Student".

  3. In My Settings, Profile Visibility, allow Members to see you are a "Student".

  4. Follow "eric": https://community.filemaker.com/s/profile/0050H00000Bq9Dl ("eric" is Eric Matthews, SJSU's primary developer subscriber)


Sign in with your 9-digit MySJSU account and fill in the four information fields on the form. Information you submit in this form is used only by SJSU staff solely for internal tracking purpose and will not be shared with third parties or used for marketing purposes.


The FileMaker Group at SJSU is specifically for FileMaker-at-SJSU-related announcements and discussions among SJSU users and developers. On-campus opportunities for students with FileMaker experience would also appear here.

Then, within five business days of completing the three requirements above, Eric will respond with instructions to install your FileMaker Software Allowance.

Your initial learning source should be the online FileMaker Learning Center:


Consider attending the DIGFM user group, that is, the Developer Interest Group in FileMaker that meets at FileMaker, Inc. headquarters in Santa Clara, on second Thursdays of the month at 5:00pm. You can attend online or in-person, (but only those who RSVP and attend in-person are eligible for free pizza when served). Whether attending in-person or online, please proudly identify yourself as an SJSU student. This program at SJSU could be competing with similar programs at other institutions.

Note: The number of free SJSU Student FileMaker Annual Licenses is limited; so involvement and achievement might later be considerations for yearly renewal.

The FileMaker Software Allowance for SJSU students is an optional participatory offer to enhance your academic work, supplement your skill set, and promote career opportunities. Opting to participate in The FileMaker Software Allowance for SJSU students can provide you with additional opportunities and, with some public exposure, you might be contacted for interviews. If you are interested in starting a career in application development or workplace innovation, you might also be interested in this discussion we had on "Qualification for Internships or Entry-Level Employment":

Note, the FileMaker Software Allowance is for student academic use only. If you are employed to use or to develop FileMaker solutions, you or your employer must have a separate license for business use.