FileMaker Training Series Courses at SJSU

Post date: Sep 26, 2010 10:14:05 AM

San José State University is now a FileMaker Authorized Trainer of the complete FileMaker Training Series (FTS) for campus faculty, staff, and students. (You won't see us on the public list of trainers because we don't offer our training outside of the campus community. Outside, complete FTS training costs from $1,600 to $2,000 per trainee.) The FileMaker Training Series is the official training curriculum from FileMaker, Inc. It offers a series of 12 training modules that cover a comprehensive set of topics designed to help you master the essentials of FileMaker solution development. The FileMaker Training Series is targeted at intermediate to advanced FileMaker developers, but anyone that wants to create databases can increase their knowledge from these time-tested materials. This series is also a key resource for becoming a FileMaker Certified Developer.

The FTS modules are as follows:

  1. Using FileMaker Pro (10/14)

  2. Working with Fields (10/21)

  3. Data Modeling (10/28)

  4. Working with Layouts (11/4)

  5. Calculation Functions (11/18)

  6. Scripts (12/2)

  7. Reporting (12/9)

  8. Security (12/16)

  9. Intermediate & Advanced Techniques (1/6)

  10. FileMaker Server (1/13)

  11. Connectivity (1/20)

  12. Web Publishing (1/27)

See: Module Descriptions, Sample Modules,

Latter dates are tentative and subject to rescheduling.

With generous support from the Division of Student Affairs and the Center for Faculty Development, Eric Matthews, Certified Developer and Trainer, will be training from each of these twelve modules on each of twelve Thursdays, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, beginning October 14. If they can, staff and faculty may attend all twelve sessions (for a "Certificate of Completion") or if they already have experience with any version of FileMaker Pro, they can attend any of the sessions separately.


Attendance requires each trainee to bring a copy of the FileMaker Training Series book and DVD, which employees or departments can purchase online for $99, or can purchase a campus sales exemption for $60 [...].

Attendance also requires registration through Center for Faculty Development: or call 4-2303.

Suggested Prerequisites

"Introduction to FileMaker", a FileMaker Pro Interactive Tutorial, or equivalent experience making a FileMaker Pro database.

Additional Recommendations

Each trainee should have an active SJSUOne account:

FTS Trainees should then subscribe to the FileMaker Group at SJSU where they can get updates about the courses and participate in this peer technical support group: